Guild Growth Stats

Here is a tool i made up in excel which allows you to monitor the growth and balance of specs in your guild. Simply copy the contents of your guild tab into the sheet, specifying the date. It is best to only do this about once a week, otherwise things like mass spawns may be missed.

You can then set each players spec and see a breakdown of the specs based on econ and fleet sizes. The players can then be ranked according to different growth parameters. I typically used this to create a Top 10 of the month.

This comes with data from an old guild i was in to demonstrate what you can do.

This requires excel 2007 or newer and can be downloaded from the link below:


Base Builder

This is a tool built in excel which assist you in determining the optimal way to build your base. You set your desired structure level, the current structure level and provide your relevant stats (cyber, commander etc) and the optimal build order will be shown.

When determining the build order, it factors in things such as how much area, population and energy the structure takes up and the cost of each. Utility structures such as terraform’s, solar etc are auto built regardless of you specifying them to be built or not. You can however specify not to build them (entering in the value -1), or to only build to a certain level. The limitations of free accounts are also factored automatically (when account type is set to free). You can specify your build focus –  economy, production or construction – to prioritise specific structure types.

This requires excel 2007 or newer and can be downloaded from the link below:


ACE Battle Calculator (ele’s update)

I really liked the ACE battle calc. I found it much easier to use than others out there. However it was a bit limited in a few areas and needed a bit of an update. So i did the following:

  • Added 2 extra waves
  • Auto fill out the units for the next wave
  • Calculate the XP for each wave and show the total XP
  • Cleaned up the selection of player tech templates
  • Removed useless pages

This version requires excel 2007 or later and can be downloaded from the link below:
